Shattered Crystal

Shattered Crystal

EVE Online

Friday, December 31, 2010

What is was were will be again, Part 13 in a 12 part series

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The Eve Online 14 Day Trial, Trial

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Get paid to play games challenge - Final Call!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What's All The Fuss About?
What is a MMO?

Perhaps you have a child, teenage boy or man-child or maybe, just maybe, one of the ultra rare, but ultra cool females that likes video games, particularly MMO's in your life. Or maybe you hear your schoolmates or workmates talking about the latest expansion pack for World of Warcraft, perhaps even nagging you to try it. Do you wonder what the fuss is about or what the heck is a MMO anyway?

Well basically, MMO or MMOG stands for massively multiplayer online game is a multiplayer video game which is capable of supporting hundreds or thousands of players simultaneously. Out of necessity, they must-be played on the Internet, and feature at least one persistent world. They are, however, not necessarily games played on personal computers, they can be played on most newer game consoles and even on some cell phones.

An offshoot of the MMO or MMOG is the MMORPG. MMORPG or massively multiplayer online role-playing game is a type of computer role-playing games in which a very large number of players interact with one another within the virtual gaming world. As you might guess this type of game includes a strong role-playing aspect where people pretend to actually be the characters they are playing. Some players tend to take this to the ultimate level and even refuse to acknowledge their real life persona.

Some of the more popular MMO's or MMORPG's are, the above mentioned World of Warcraft, EVE Online, Runes of Magic, City of Heroes and Star Trek Online, just to name a very few. Just about whatever your interests are there is probably an online game out there for you.

So besides running around a virtual world why would you be interested in online gaming, what else could it possibly have to offer? Well many don't know that online gaming is not just about playing a game, there is also a strong social networking aspect involved.

The social networking aspect of online games can even give Facebook, MySpace and Twitter a run for their money. Not only can you chat and interact with other people but you can join groups of people, sometimes called, guilds, clans, factions or super groups. These may be made up of everyone from your average 10 year old to the local business professional. Believe it or not there have even been many, many online romances started in these virtual worlds.

Most online games require some type of subscription and prices can vary. To get a more comprehensive list of the games out there you would want to visit the links to one of the most popular and most trusted gaming sites Shattered Crystal, found at the top, bottom and right side of my blog.

Shattered Crystal sells not just the game account codes, which allows you to download the game and start playing instantly, but also the game time codes if you need more game time for your favorite game as well as in game items. They accept most major credit cards and debit cards as well as PayPal and are the most trusted source for your gaming needs that I have ever found, so to get started visit Shattered Crystal.

The world of online gaming is so vast that there are never ending possibilities. So the next time someone tells you that you have got to check out this or that latest game, check out out because video games aren't just for nerds anymore!

'Til next time,
The Blackman.

P.S. If you liked this post please share it with your friends and look up Black Crystal Gaming on Facebook, Twitter and Linked in. Also stay tuned for videos on our YouTube channel at Black Crystal MMO Gaming Guide