Shattered Crystal

Shattered Crystal

EVE Online

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Girls Play EVE Online Blog 1

1 comment:

  1. There's a positive side to communication in online games. Relationships and marriages have been built upon the foundations of LittleBigPlanet and World of Warcraft. Gamers who aren't complete cretins exist, and they're willing to travel hundreds of miles to see their high-leveled love warriors. It's like fusing blind dating with online dating, except without the tedium of writing boring "about me" introductions.

    You don't hear about this often because people are ashamed of admitting that they fell in love while beheading faux-zombies together in Resident Evil 5. Can you blame them, though? It's certainly not the most romantic of scenarios. Then again, neither is drunken pretend sex that passes off as dancing at a club.
